Lakia Starks is unapologetically shattering ceilings for young women everywhere. She is a resilient and charismatic beauty who is more than just a pretty face. Lakia is a producer at FOX 5 Atlanta and this is HerStory Revealed.
HerStoryMag: Where were you born and raised?
Lakia: I love answering this question, but it makes me feel like I’m really from another country lol. I was born in Vicenza, Italy see it sounds exotic right? My dad was in the military and we left when I was around 3-years-old. I grew up in Troy, Al ( the best place ever). A lot of people from Troy dislike it, but I love it. It’s my home. I stayed there for college as well, I am a 2x Troy alum.
HerStoryMag: Do you have siblings? If so, how many?
Lakia: Yes. I have two sisters and one brother.
HerstoryMag: What excites you right now?
Lakia: Motherhood. I have a daughter. She amazes me every single day. Parker is two-years-old and watching her grow and learn is so exciting. I was giving her a bath and I heard ask her babydoll, “do you have a fever?” I just started smiling. Then, she proceeded to say to her babydoll, ” do you need a doctor?” She’s so beautiful and smart. I just love her so much!
HerStoryMag: What book has influenced you the most?
Lakia: (UN)QUALIFIED by Steven Furtick. I read this book when I was living in Charlotte. A friend recommended this book to me at the right time. I was going through a tough time and I just needed a pick-me-up. This is when I realized how important “I AM” words were.
HerStoryMag: If you could do anything you wanted tonight (anywhere, for any amount of money), what would you do and why?
Lakia: Ahhh! That’s a great question lol. I would go back to Itay. I don’t remember much about where I lived and the hospital, I was born in. Cool story.. I had dual citizenship up until I was 18. I could’ve gone back and lived there and really learned more about where I was born, because all I have are pictures. So yeah, I would pack up and go to Vicenza, Italy.
HerStoryMag: If you had the opportunity to meet one person you haven’t met, who would it be, why and what would you talk about?

Lakia: I have two, Oprah and Michelle Obama. However, I have to choose one.. so, I’d go with Oprah! Her story, career, and overall life are just amazing. I would talk about how she became the undisputed queen of television. You know being that she is a journalist and I too am a journalist, I want to know all about her trials and tribulations. Encouragement to keep pushing through. What is it like being Orpah? How important your brand is? Then I could possibly ask about meeting Michelle Obama and if she could call her over with us lol. They are Black Excellence!
HerStoryMag: What’s the most important thing I should know about you?
Lakia: The most important thing you should know about me, easy. I love my family! Their constant love and support keep me afloat.
HerStoryMag: What do you think is the driving force in your life?
Lakia: My daughter. I work hard to make sure she doesn’t have to when she gets older. She is my legacy. I want her to be able to google me and nothing but positive information pops up. That’s why I believe in getting your education, having a career that you love because when you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life, generational wealth… all things to make sure Parker has a great life.
HerStoryMag: What is your “WHY”?
Lakia: What is my “WHY”? I had to repeat that back to myself. To be push myself to be the best version of myself. This is something that I be sure to practice when I wake every morning. If I’m being the best version of LaKia, everything else in my life will fall in line.
HerStoryMag: What are your superpowers?
Lakia: Mother, Resilient, Charismatic, Mentor, Fashionista, Unapologetically LaKia!
HerStoryMag: How much has knowing your purpose attributed to your success?
Lakia: A significant amount. If I didn’t know my purpose, then my journey would be all over the place. I wouldn’t be answering these questions for you all today. I write my goals down, know what I want to accomplish by a certain age, and know why I’m a journalist. I love telling/sharing people’s stories. I love people. I love entertainment. I love news. I love to talk. I love learning. I love being informative. I love being informed. Making connections. And because I love all of these things and more, I am SUCCESSFUL.
HerStoryMag: Any regrets? What are they?
Lakia: I used to say I regret this and I regret that but the mistakes I’ve made, the trials and tribulations I’ve endured all helped me become who I am today, LaKia. So, nope, NO REGRETS! Just lessons learned.